Case Studies:

central america and the caribbean




Central America & the Caribbean:

Silvopastoral: Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project (RISEMP) GEF/World Bank Regional Project

Costa Rica- CNFL
CNFL PES project for protection of the Aranjuez, Balsa, Cote and Virilla watersheds

Costa Rica- ESPH
Heredia Public Service Enterprise (ESPH, in Spanish)

Costa Rica- Energía Global
Energía Global payments, Central Plateau - watershed protection contracts

Costa Rica- ICE
ICE Watershed Management Units

Costa Rica- La Esperanza
Hydroelectric Power (HEP) and cloud forest conservation

Costa Rica - Florida Ice & Farm (Brewery)
Cerveceria Costa Rica (a subsidiary of Florida Ice&Farm)

Costa Rica- National PES programme
Costa Rica's Payments for Environmental Services Programme- "a financial mechanism for the recuperation and conservation of forest cover in Costa Rica"

Costa Rica- Platanar
Platanar Hydroelectricity, San Carlos

Dominican Republic - PROCARYN
Protection and restoration of forests in Yaque del Norte, Dominican Republic

El Salvador Environmental Services Project- WB/GEF (WB P064910/ GEF P070352)

El Salvador- El Imposible
El Imposible National Park -watershed warden sponsoring

El Salvador- Lake Coatepeque
El Salvador Environmental Services Project- WB/GEF –
Pilot site Lake Coatepeque-Los Volcanes

El Salvador – PASOLAC Initiatives
Municipal PES schemes in Morazán, Tacuba and Chalatenango

Guatemala - Cerro san Gil
Contributions for water protection in Cerro San Gil Protected Area

Guatemala –National

Guatemala –S. Jerónimo

Sierra de Las Minas Water Fund

Honduras- Campamento
Municipal Water Board Campamento- PASOLAC

Honduras - El Escondido Watershed

Honduras- Jesus de Otoro
(PASOLAC initiative)

Nicaragua - San Pedro del Norte
A PASOLAC Initiative

Nicaragua - Gil Gonzalez Micro-Watershed
Rehabilitation of Forest in Rivas, Nicaragua

PASOLAC: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras
Pilot schemes in ten communities in Central America









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